
5. 2. 2024
2 minutes of reading

Adopting euro as the national currency in the Czechia? Start evaluating it in time.

After the President's New Year's speech, the question of adopting the euro as the national currency has increasingly been discussed in the Czech Republic. The country committed to this change many years ago upon joining the European Union. While it was understood that this transition would not occur immediately, in recent months, the topic has been raised more frequently, necessitating our vigilance. None of us knows when the euro will be adopted, but it is better to be prepared than surprised.

Adopting euro as the national currency in the Czechia? Start evaluating it in time. Reading Time: 2 minutes

Czech and foreign entrepreneurs are increasingly seeking euro business loans from RONDA INVEST. Conversely, we can offer investors secure investment opportunities in euro loans. If you advocate for real estate investment, this form of investment provides an excellent opportunity to benefit from this investment vehicle, even with lower amounts.

Are you hiding your savings under your pillow?

If you’re considering the evaluation of your savings, regardless of the currency, consider investing with RONDA INVEST. We offer opportunities to invest in both Czech crowns and euros, each with a predetermined annual yield. Currently, our yields stand at up to 9% p.a. for Czech crowns and 7.5% for Euros. If you’re looking to secure a high yield before interest rates decline steeply, there’s no need to wait. We offer a variety of projects to choose from, each secured by real estate, minimizing the risk of investment to nearly zero.

eurové investice 2024, kam investovat eura v roce 2024

Do you keep your savings in euros?

If you have euros sitting idle in a savings account, it’s time to consider investing them. Interest rates on euro accounts, whether domestic or foreign, are currently very low, and with falling inflation, there’s little prospect of increased yields soon. On our platform, you can explore euro projects offering a fixed annual appreciation of 7.5%, a far superior option compared to typical euro savings accounts, not to mention current accounts.

efektivní zhodnocení eurových úspor, investice do nemovitostí od malých částek

Do you keep only a small amount in euros or do you have “change” left over from your holiday?

It’s crucial to appreciate even smaller sums of money and avoid leaving them idle under the pillow. By investing, even with modest amounts, you can explore how investing in euros on the RONDA INVEST platform works, gradually diversifying your investment portfolio across different currencies. This approach helps mitigate the risks associated with any investment. With a minimum investment starting from just €50 and the option to set aside smaller amounts each month, our platform offers accessible entry points for investors.

If you’re seeking conservative investments with solid yields, consider our offerings with a yield of 9% p.a. for crown investments and 7.5% for euro investments. Registering on our platform takes only a few minutes, and you can start investing with smaller amounts. Once you experience the regularity of returns automatically sent to your account, you may consider increasing your investment amounts.

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Kateřina Hájková
Eliška Horáková
Online Marketing Specialist

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Secured investments

Family houses
Yield p.a.
7,91 %

Yield represents the monetary amount you gain from invested capital. It indicates the difference between the final value of the investment and the capital used.

p.a. stands for per annum, meaning the yield calculated on an annual basis.


You invest 10,000 CZK with a yield of 10% p.a. The yields will be paid to you proportionally every month, and in one year, you will receive a total of 1,000 CZK in yields.

16 months

Maturity indicates the binding date by which the loan will be repaid and your investment comes to an end.

After this date, we will transfer to your account, along with the final yield, the original invested amount as well.

This investment has a maturity 31. 1. 2026.

Min. investment
10 000 Kč

Minimum investment specifies the lowest possible amount that can be invested in the project.

64,94 %

LTV = Loan to Value
(in translation, “loan to value”)

LTV indicates the ratio of the property value to the loan value. The lower the LTV, the higher the level of security.

Calculation of LTV = loan amount / estimated market value × 100

(6th phase)
Family houses
Prague - Sterboholy
Yield p.a.
7,9794 %

Yield represents the monetary amount you gain from invested capital. It indicates the difference between the final value of the investment and the capital used.

p.a. stands for per annum, meaning the yield calculated on an annual basis.


You invest 10,000 CZK with a yield of 10% p.a. The yields will be paid to you proportionally every month, and in one year, you will receive a total of 1,000 CZK in yields.

23 months

Maturity indicates the binding date by which the loan will be repaid and your investment comes to an end.

After this date, we will transfer to your account, along with the final yield, the original invested amount as well.

This investment has a maturity 31. 8. 2026.

Min. investment
10 000 Kč

Minimum investment specifies the lowest possible amount that can be invested in the project.

51,03 %

LTV = Loan to Value
(in translation, “loan to value”)

LTV indicates the ratio of the property value to the loan value. The lower the LTV, the higher the level of security.

Calculation of LTV = loan amount / estimated market value × 100

(5th phase)
Prague Vinohrady, Jesenice
Yield p.a.
8,064 %

Yield represents the monetary amount you gain from invested capital. It indicates the difference between the final value of the investment and the capital used.

p.a. stands for per annum, meaning the yield calculated on an annual basis.


You invest 10,000 CZK with a yield of 10% p.a. The yields will be paid to you proportionally every month, and in one year, you will receive a total of 1,000 CZK in yields.

35 months

Maturity indicates the binding date by which the loan will be repaid and your investment comes to an end.

After this date, we will transfer to your account, along with the final yield, the original invested amount as well.

This investment has a maturity 31. 8. 2027.

Min. investment
100 000 Kč

Minimum investment specifies the lowest possible amount that can be invested in the project.

58,03 %

LTV = Loan to Value
(in translation, “loan to value”)

LTV indicates the ratio of the property value to the loan value. The lower the LTV, the higher the level of security.

Calculation of LTV = loan amount / estimated market value × 100

Kladno - Motycin
24 months
9 % p.a.

The calculator calculation is based on a model example of a one-time repayment loan investment (full principal repayment at the end of the loan term). Returns are paid to investors monthly, and the calculator does not consider reinvestment. The actual performance of the investment may differ from the model example. It represents gross yield, subject to taxation. At RONDA INVEST, there are no entry fees or regular fees.